Multiplying Congregations
We believe new congregations are essential to evangelism.
Therefore, as long as there are people outside the Church, we desire to see congregations multiplied. Based on what we have learned from our African brothers and sisters, we reach out to regions and communities by releasing lay leaders under the godly authority of ordained pastors to raise up parishes of multiple, interconnected congregations.

How do you reach an entire region, city, or population?
With such diverse contexts throughout North America, the church as never before needs to be incarnational in order to be meaningful. In Greenhouse, we believe that God wants entire regions evangelized, and that local, indigenous congregations connected as one regional church (parish) provide the flexibility to reach multiple people groups while remaining unified and steadfast in the faith.
What is a parish of multiple congregations?
Connected through the leadership of an ordained parish pastor and working as a team sharing resources, time, and energy, parishes are regions of lay-led congregations that meet in specific contexts while seeking the welfare of their entire region and church. They gather regularly to worship as one church and support each other through mutual leadership, service, and accountability.
How do I begin?

Maybe that question should be restated as “Who should I begin with?”, because we believe that the “how” follows the “who”. We believe that congregations are birthed in a person’s heart, and that anyone could be called to reach their neighbors with the Gospel through planting a local church. Who has God placed on your heart? What neighborhood, community, or township sparks your imagination for reaching the lost? As you begin to bring these questions to God in prayer, he provides you with the tools to make the next step of faith. And we want to support you along the way. If you are interested in planting a church with Greenhouse, you can either explore our Leadership Training Program or connect directly with our staff to walk alongside you in your discernment process.