Dear Friends,
In these days of death tolls, extended shelter-in-place, and economic difficulties, it is easy to feel as if we are in an extended Lent, as if the Hallelujahs we proclaimed Easter morn are no longer appropriate. But though it is true–and very apparent–that we are not yet in the time when the resurrection is fully realized in our world and in our lives, it is also true that Christ’s resurrection from the dead has already made the Resurrection a reality for us right here, right now. This tension of already-and-not-yet is real and very felt in these days, but we cling to the promise, made certain in Christ, that all tears will be wiped away, that sorrow will be no more, and all will be set right.
We are writing today to remind you of the Resurrection that our God has made a present reality in our lives, and we have some resources to help you remember and rejoice in that reality. Here is a link to the Easter Vigil that the Upper Midwest Diocese livestreamed. Several churches in the diocese created videos of the readings and these were used during the livestream. It was obviously not the Vigil the diocese had planned for, but it ended up being a wonderful time of togetherness for our entire diocese. Check out the video of the Fall reading that some members from the Greenhouse churches created for the Vigil. We hope it whets your appetite to enjoy the entire Vigil.
We also encourage you to #RaiseAHallelujah with us. Anglican churches around the world asked their congregants, separated from each other, to step outside and proclaim with a Hallelujah the good news of Jesus’ resurrection. Many recorded this and shared it on social media with the hashtag. We’re sharing a few of them with you in this video, and if you were not able to take this opportunity, it’s not too late. Step outside and #RaiseAHallelujah yourself!
In this time of isolation, it is very important to stay connected so that we may “encourage one another and build each other up” (I Thess. 5:11). If you are not already able to participate in some way with a church in these times, we invite you to visit this site to find a live-streamed service near you.
Friends, we are not alone. Let us fix our eyes on the sure hope of resurrection together.
God bless you,
William Beasley
Missioner General