Dear Friends,
Much of Greenhouse Movement’s work is described using words like “plant,” “grow,” “reach,” “connect.” These words imply outward movement, yet inner movement is also absolutely necessary. This month I want to tell you about Equipped to Heal (E2H), which is deeply concerned about the movement and healing of the Spirit of God within the human heart. E2H’s movement leader, Fr. Keith Hartsell, says, “The Church can’t evangelize the lost if we can’t minister healing to all the broken areas of people’s lives who are coming to Christ! We can’t raise up leaders in the Church if we can’t passionately minister into the ongoing brokenness that Christians struggle with. And we can’t send out new leaders to plant churches if we aren’t prepared to minister to those getting attacked on the front lines in the mission of God to reach the world.”
The members of E2H’s team of gifted teachers have areas of strengths and particular passions that come out of their own healing journeys. As they share their own journeys, they have the privilege of witnessing the Lord healing others.

At a recent E2H conference in Phoenix, Arizona, a woman came to the first evening session and asked if she could just pay for that night: “I can’t really afford the whole conference, and I’m not even sure I want to attend the whole thing, but I’ll come tonight.” She was prayed for and was fully involved in the night’s training. The next morning she showed up and said, “I didn’t even know I needed healing, but this has revealed it. I’ve taken off work the next two days because this is where I need to be.” This woman has entered a freedom that she would not have experienced were it not for the healing prayer shared through the gift of the Spirit of Christ. This freedom is not meant to end with her–or with other conference attendees. The desire is that it spreads, that they are not only helped themselves but are also equipped to minister the healing of God to others.
This is beautifully seen in this testimony from another conference attendee: “I personally experienced breakthrough…that is affecting my marriage, feelings/thoughts about myself, and showing up in greater freedom in my work as well. And within days of the conference, I was able to share with [a friend] the…prayer/imagination tool that Val shared with us. It made a big impact on my friend… I’m looking forward to seeing how God will use what we’ve learned and how we will implement what we’ve learned in the coming months and years.” THIS is how God’s healing spreads–through God’s people! This is why E2H holds its weekend conferences and training sessions in partnership with local churches: people need to see the church as a place of healing and local prayer ministers need to be trained and equipped to minister to the broken and wounded through the Church.

In the last few years churches have hosted healing prayer conferences in Boston, Chicago, San Diego, Tallahassee, Fort Wayne, Phoenix, Montreal, Dallas, Amsterdam, and Nairobi. E2H has held 20-week small group programs in Chicago and daylong training sessions for local churches. The E2H leaders are passionate about people being healed. “We exist because Jesus ministered to the whole person, and the Gospel means transformation out of struggle and into wholeness,” says Keith. “The needs are vast, and no one is unscathed from the effects of sin. I am watching men and women struggle less, experience the closeness and intimacy of God’s love, and become the man or woman God creates them to be. It’s remarkable.”
It is remarkable and it is such a privilege to hear about the transformations witnessed by prayer ministers like Keith, Val, Margie, Alex, Tamara, Keesha, and so many others. I am grateful to pass onto you just a few stories of God’s healing work.
May the Spirit of God move with healing power in your life and in the life of your church.
Thank you for your partnership,
William Beasley
Missioner General